Sunday, 30 August 2015

Tony Blair just cost me £200

If, like me, you can hardly go one hour without thinking about the Labour leadership contest, then you will have seen the latest attempt in the Guardian by Tony Blair to ensure Jeremy Corbyn wins.
The piece is written in that folksy style which made Tony's autobiography surprisingly readable, and perhaps goes to explain why he got on so well with 'Yo Blair' Dubya.
Of course I actually agree with much of what Blair has written but sadly for him, and my pocket, I do not have a vote.
I like to think that I am pretty shrewd when it comes to betting on politics, and I had confidently laid Jeremy Corbyn (a form of words that must be read in context obviously) for a reasonable sum, sure that when it came to the time to actually mark their cross number Labour members and assorted £3 registered supporters would not actually choose electoral oblivion.
Yet it seems my faith in the good sense and patriotism of the Labour electorate was misplaced. They really are going to choose a man who advocates leaving NATO, Zimbabwe style money printing, Venezuelan price controls and cosy chats with friends from Hamas and Hezbollah. 
Part of the reason for this has been the dreadfully poor fight put up by JC's three rivals. The inexperienced Blairite candidate, Liz Kendall, has adopted a campaign strategy almost entirely based  on telling Labour supporters why they are wrong - a kind of electoral version of suicide by cop.
Andy 'I like footie and live in a coal mine' Burnham has feebly said whatever he thought would appeal to whoever he was speaking to at that moment, even if it directly contradicted whatever he said to a different audience the day before.
In fairness to Yvette Cooper she has done a bit better, finally taking the fight to Corbyn (if a month too late). She strikes me as efficient, dependable and competent, but dreadfully cautious and yes, a teeny bit boring. Unlike the big defeat which faces Labour under JC, I suspect a Cooper led Labour Party would perform respectably enough without ever threatening to win.
Two weeks to go then before Corbyn becomes Labour leader, and I lose £200. Thanks Tony!

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