Thursday, 10 December 2015

20 things I will ban when made the dictator of Brighton

1. Holistic solutions
2. Street food
3. Anything with 'artisan' in its title
4. American 'traditions', including halloween, basketball and cup cakes
5. 'Locally sourced' (thanks to a regular correspondent for this one)
6. Dogs on all the beaches
7. Goatee beards
8. Men wearing shorts in the winter (except postmen obviously)
9. 'Craft' beer
10. Drumming
11. Jogging
12. Pushchairs in coffee shops
13. Children in pubs
14. Letters in the Argus from regular correspondents (especially that bloke from Lancing)
15. Any reference to 'they' - as in 'they' need to do something about..... (for obvious examples see 14. above)
16. Petitions
17. Anything described as 'edgy'
18. Mime
19. Chewing gum
20. Grumpy people like me who make lists of things to ban

NB Ken from Battle has asked me to include 'workshops' in the banned list. Alexei Sayle memorably said, "Anyone who uses the term 'workshop', other than in the context of light engineering, is a wanker." Tempting Ken from Battle but in my professional and political career I attended workshops on a daily basis. and there was never a lathe in sight. It would therefore be hypocritical for me to ban workshops, and as you know politicians are never hypocrites. 

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